The design and décor of your bedroom can make a huge difference in your overall health and wellbeing. In the last few months, the novel coronavirus pandemic has taught how your immunity can help you to fight against the delay virus. Nowadays due to change in lifestyle mostly in the big cities people are becoming vulnerable to various diseases and eventually the compromise with the quality of their life. Bedroom need to be the most comfortable and relaxing room of the entire home as people spend at least 8-9 hours daily on bed. With the Feng shui bedroom (จัดห้องนอนตามฮวงจุ้ยwhich is the term in Thai) you can improve the feel, look and energy of your bedroom and can bring back happiness, success and prosperity in life.
Improve health
The Chinese words “feng” and “shui” translate to mean “wind” and “water,” respectively and now people from different walks of life and different corner of the world are getting benefited from the feng shui cures, principles and therapy. Living in a luxurious, spacious and modern condo can make your each day worth living. Now as due to the lockdown people living in condos might not be able to encash all the facilities of the condo such as amenities, co working place, etc. but with the simple changes in the bedroom as per the feng shui principles they can instantly enhance the quality of your sleep and promote good health.
Focus on simple changes
Since decades feng shui has been protecting the home from negative energies that can cause bad luck and harm. Some of the simple aspects that need to be considered to make feng shui effective are
- Place the bed’s head against a wall
- Incorporate the right calming colors as per your feng shui birth element
- Place head of bed against the wall opposite from the door in a commanding position
- Declutter under your bed
- Use soft lighting
- Hide or remove the electronics and exercise gear
- Do not hang a mirror on the wall opposite your bed
- Choose inspiring artwork